INTRODUCTION:: ____________________________________________________ "+ -" is an application that can extract positive/negative sentiment from within a posted text document or web page. The way written language reads can be easily misinterpreted as meaning something that was not intended due to the natural sentiment attached to grammer and word choice. This api can evaluate custom text or web page content (e.g.-blog, news etc) and respond with an unbiased judgement of the sentiment purely based on the words and how they were used. The functionality of this application is powered by the Sentiment Analysis APIs of the AlchemyAPI, which uses natural language processing technology and machine learning algorithms to extract semantic meta-data from content, such as information on people, places, companies, topics, facts, relationships, authors, and languages. DIRECTIONS FOR USE:: ____________________________________________________ **HOW TO EVALUATE CUSTOM CONTENT – To post custom content, paste text directly into the text area window. Posted content is analyzed to detect the primary document language, and text sentiment is extracted automatically. **HOW TO EVALUATE CONTENT OF A WEB PAGE – To extract positive/negative sentiment from publicly-accessible web-based content paste URL into the bottom text area window. Posting the URL will automatically fetch the desired Internet webpage, normalize/clean it (removing ads, navigation links, and other unimportant content), and extract text sentiment. These API calls may be utilized to process hosted webpages, blogs, and other publicly-accessible Internet content. CONTACT INFO:: ____________________________________________________ Tim Scroggs email: